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Tag Archives :Use

How to use a VHF mairne radio correctly is an essential boating skill

you don’t want to be fumbling about trying to remember the training when you really need it.. You, as skipper, should have a good understanding of how it works, how to adjust it and how to send an emergency message. Ideally, at least one other person aboard should also have a working knowledge of the basics.  ...

Read more  DSC,  How to use,  VHF radio

How To Use Your VHF Marine Radio

Here are some basic pointers for VHF marine radio newbies. Even if you're a seasoned hand, it is worth pointing this out and passing it on to green hands aboard. Think of you're loved ones, friends, crew-mates, or passengers in your care completely helpless should you become incapacitated.  ...

Read more  VHF radio,  How to use,  Basic pointers

Several reasons for the damage of marine radio

There will be different degrees of loss during the use of marine VHF radio. Some small problems will not cause the use of marine VHF radio, but some large losses will damage the use of VHF radio. Let's learn some aspects that are easy to cause damage to marine VHF radio.  ...

Read more  VHF radio,  use marine radio,  damage

VHF Marine Radio User Guide

Whichever way you enjoy the water, a VHF marine radio is an important safety tool that will ensure that you stay safe and can contact other boaters, marinas, or safety organizations. Whether you are new to boating or an experienced sea hand, Retevis marine radio has provided several tips to improve your experience, optimize the use of your radio and hopefully keep yourself safe.  ...

Read more  VHF Marine Radio,  VHF user guide,  Marine radio

If I have a VHF marine radio , how do I operate it

If you have the radio on, you must maintain a watch on VHF Channel 16. In USCG District I waters (northern New Jersey to Canada), urgent marine information broadcasts, such as storm warnings, are announced on Channel 16.  ...

Read more  Channel,  Use,  USCG

VHF Marine Radio User Guide II

Before you travel, please check whether your handheld marine radio is working properly and whether it can receive information Don’t forget that a marine VHF radio is not a private phone call and everyone in the range can hear you. Foul language will not only be offensive to other users but is also not allowed under the rules in your license.  ...

Read more  Marine radio,  user guide,  VHF radio