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Mean of abbreviations related to marine radios

Mean of abbreviations related to marine radios

Mean of abbreviations related to marine radios

As a professional owner of a maritime radio, sailor or captain, we need to understand the meaning of these acronyms so that we can better understand maritime radio

and use it to bring more safety and entertainment to our maritime navigation.

Here are some commonly used abbreviations to help understand marine radio-related content.

DSC (Digital selective calling) means a digital system of communications used for the following purposes:

  • Relaying distress alert;
  • Transmitting distress alert from ships;
  • Transmitting distress alerts to shore stations;
  • transmitting alerts prior to the broadcast of urgency and safety messages.

GMDSS means a Global Maritime Distress Safety System

MCS means a major coast station and includes Major Coast A Stations and Major Coast B Stations.

MSL means Maritime Ship License, including Class B and Class C

SAR means search and rescue.

commercial operations mean the activities of commercial vessels (other than professional fishing operations and port operations).

IBRS (inshore boating radio service) means a maritime mobile service between a limited coast station, and a maritime ship station operating in inshore waters or inland waterways.

ITU means the International Telecommunication Union.

ITU Radio Regulations means the document published by the ITU and titled ‘Radio Regulations’ as existing from time to time.

PO (port operations) means activities relating to the operational handling, movement, and navigation of ships in, or near, a port.

PFO (professional fishing operations), in relation to a station operated under a license, means the licensee’s professional fishing activities.

MAYDAY means to call for rescue is on, Only use this when vessel and/or crew is in grave danger (collision, fire, flooding, severe grounding, injury to crew, etc.).

PAN-PAN PAN stands for Possible Assistance Needed, pronounced “pahn-pahn.” Use for an emergency that isn’t life-threatening.

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