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How to choose a VHF Marine Radio for your boat

How to choose a VHF Marine Radio for your boat

VHF radio lets boaters have two-way contact with other vessels, rescue services, and anyone else using VHF radios. While they used to be a one-size-fits-all product, these days they have a range of extra features that may better suit your requirements. Here are the features you can choose from at your next marine radio installation.

Fixed or handheld options

VHF radios are available in either fixed or handheld options. Experienced boaters recommend buying a fixed VHF radio, a mobile VHF radio for backup, and batteries as well. If your boat battery fails, your fixed VHF radio will not work.

Range requirements and antenna length

VHF radios are available in different distance ratings. If you regularly go into open water, consider purchasing a 50-mile range radio. If you plan on staying closer to the shoreline, a shorter range rating should suffice.
VHF radios transmit to one another in a straight line, which is why a long antenna is so important. Choose a model with a long antenna to ensure you can transmit and receive the maximum distance possible with your system.

Water damage and corrosion protection

While fixed VHF radios are protected against corrosion, handheld models are subject to accidentally falling overboard.
If you’re considering a handheld option, consider a floating waterproof model. The rating tells you if the model is waterproof. A model without waterproofing will have an IPX0 rating, while a fully waterproof option will have a maximum rating of IPX8.

Timely weather alerts

If you’re heading out into the open sea, it’s vital to have up-to-date weather information. Some fixed VHF radios are equipped with early warnings which notify you of incoming storms which could potentially save your life.
If you’re taking your family out on the water or you’re responsible for a crew, why not consider upgrading to this option at your next marine stereo installation?

Final thought

With such an amazing range of features, it is well worth considering whether an upgrade is right for you. Regardless of the model you choose, you’re sure to have safer experiences on the water.


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